As the festive period approaches and we begin to experience ever-changing weather conditions and colder spells, it is important to remember that protecting our eyes is important during the colder months.

Dry eyes is a common problem that people suffer with which can be triggered from the cold wind, low humidity, temperature drops, and the increased usage of heating systems such as radiators.  

Symptoms that link to Dry Eyes may include eyes that feel:

  • itchy
  • sore
  • gritty
  • red
  • sensitive to light

Occasional dry eye symptoms due to weather changes aren’t usually too serious, however, if your symptoms start to get worse when you are moving from different weather conditions you should use treatments, such as eye drops, and prevention methods to treat dry eyes. If your symptoms don’t improve it is recommended to visit an optician.

Even though the sunny days are few and far between, it is important to know that sunglasses are just as important now as they are during the summer. you’re still exposed to harmful UV rays, and with the addition of snow and ice there are more reflective surfaces for the rays to bounce off into your eyes.

If you are concerned with your eyes, if the weather is affecting your vision, or if you have any other concerns or queries, please get in contact with us at Bush the Opticians.

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