We’re right in the middle of summer and there are more sunny days than anything else, therefore you’re spending more time outside soaking in the sun. The most important thing for your eyes is to protect them from the harmful UV rays. Ultraviolet rays can seriously damage your eyes and lead to life-long struggles with your vision, which is why its best to wear sunglasses when outside.

Although we can’t see the Ultraviolet light, it causes serious damage to you in the short-term and long-term, which is why your best protection against them is wearing a pair of sunglasses. UV light causes cells to breakdown and as a consequence can cause serious damage to your eyes. The risk of Cataracts can be significantly increased by exposure to the UV light during the day, when you find yourself outside more often than not. Something that really only becomes an issue as you get older, the damage that causes cataracts begins at a young age due to the amount of Ultraviolet exposure and lack of protection from the sun.

Wearing sunglasses is recommended when you step out in the daylight, especially when the sun is at its highest point during the late morning and early afternoon. There is a great deal of benefits from wearing sunglasses during the day that far outweigh the negative consequences and we have a large range of sunglasses from top brands including Ray-Ban, Lindberg, Mulberry, and Tom Davies.

Visit our store and speak to a member of our team to find which pair sunglasses best suit you.

Eye examinations: https://bit.ly/2YELoLM

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